
Aug 22, 2013 19:36

I've been missing in action for quite a while and have so much Arashi fandom to catch up on. One reason is because work is constantly exhausting. I don't think I'll ever get used to going to work at 6AM every morning.

The other reason is that I've been sucked into a new fandom: Doctor Who. A lot of friends have been obsessed with it for years, and they kept telling me how awesome it is, but I just never paid attention. I was mostly intimidated by its sheer history, but then they would say, "Just watch the most recent Doctor." So I finally did. And bam, sucked in like no other. Pretty much obsessed. Finished all of Matt Smith's episodes and am so sad he's leaving the show. He will always be my Doctor, and I will miss his puppy-like face and his goofy style. Also finished Season 1 with the gangster-Doctor by Christopher Eccleston. Working my way through Season 2 with David Tennant. His manic-Doctor is also amusing to watch, but since the first time I saw him was in the role of Barty Crouch Jr., I keep half-expecting him to go kill Harry Potter. Still, love the man and looking forward to the 50th anniversary episode where he will share the screen with Matt Smith. It's gonna be epic!

Don't blink.

residency, fangirl, doctor who

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