i'LL SprEaD My WiNgS AnD i'LL LeArN hOw tO fLy...

Nov 08, 2004 17:29

hey ppl! well umm let's see... today wasn't that great of a day... i felt all rushed, and i hadn't studied for my history test at all... it sucked... and soccer practice was gay... i had like no touch on the ball..and my frikkin history book got stolen! omg for the 2nd time.. it makes me soooo mad... if someone thinks it's funny and is just taking it to play a joke, it's really not... i NEED that book. ugh, oh well. hopefully tomorrow will be better.

on a different note (haha, i'm a band geek), Saturday was awesome! we swept the competition (sorry other schools :), and we scored an 89.1... which isn't enough to make us 1st out of the 5A schools in state, but we are 5th overall. we listened to some of the judges' tapes today from finals, and we got alot of compliments, however, many things about balance and individual marching...DON'T get out of step! and DON'T freak out if a field judge comes up near you.. just stand a lil taller, and make sure you play! well, i had a fun time on the bus w/ Cara, listenin' to music, and just talkin about stuff... :) also, i saw jacob and jaron again! haha, it was funny, i saw jaron in the stands and i was waving to him and then i just kept walkin... and kinda lookin around for any other ppl i knew.. and i like completely skipped over Jacob, who was jumping up and down trying to get my attention.. lol, it was all good in the end. and i got to walk back to the buses w/ him, talkin about band and stuff.. he walked around in my headdress, lol..traitor! haha, it's all good though... niceville only scored like a 76, but according to nelson, they're pretty satisfied with that, considering this is the first big competition they've been to in like.. years. niceville gets to go to pheonix right after christmas! not fair hehe, but yeah. it's cool. anyways, i can't wait til the orlando trip!! it is gonna be soooo much fun!! just as long as everyone can get on the buses they want...and we still gotta figure out rooming arrangements... alli, comment me and let me kno if you're stayin w/ maggie or not..?
well that's about all for saturday, it was great fun though.. i <3 band

sunday i hung out w/ mom... went shoppin at the furniture store... saw Danielle, she was lookin for a couch hehe..

well yeah, that's about all for now... i guess i'm gonna go.. gotta do some homework!! ugh.. fun...

well, til next time... <3 Shawna
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