Just got this from Pugetish of Yahoogroups. Pass it on?
Wanted to pass along info about this opportunity, a month long permaculture internship in Hawaii, that includes the Heart of Now workshop. And it's a pretty amazing deal, $600 including
room and board. Check it out:
http://www.permacul ture-hawaii. com/internapplysummer.html
http://www.lostvalley.org/hon And please feel free to forward this to any other groups, lists or people you think might be interested.
--- Becca Perry wrote:
Subject: [Full Cup] Permaculture and Heart of Now in Hawaii!
I want to let you all know about a couple of exciting opportunities in Hawaii this summer. Kevin and I are going there (both of us for the first time) to assist our friends at La'akea Community with
their summer internship program, June 20th - July 18th. We'll be teaching Heart of Now there on June 23rd-25th, as part of the internship. If we have enough interest, we will also teach Heart of Now the weekend of July 14th-16th. Both of these are open to the public as well as La'akea interns and residents. We'd love to play in Hawaii with you!
For more information about the internship, see
http://www.permacul ture-hawaii. com/internapplysummer.html.
For more information about Heart of Now, see www.lostvalley. org/hon.
> Many blessings,
> Becca
> www.fullcupworkshops.org