Jun 17, 2004 03:19
So yeah, I'm doing on of these things... I'm not sure what to put in here.. I wanna put shit of real significance but as I go to type it I clean forget what I was going to put. LOL I guess I wanna have on of those diaries from the old Doogie Howser MD episodes. Ya know, where at the end he'd put in this confusion saying for the day. Yeah, I guess I'm no where as smart as a washed up child acotr though... Actually some one said he was doing porns now... Him and Rudy from the cosby show. Is nothing sacred anymore?
Ok, being as how this is my first one I might as well say something about who I am.. My only real obbsession is philosophy.. Love it, can't get enough of it. If I ever do anything really dumb or really great it will be a result of that. I wanna be a professor just so I can spend all day talking about God or Plato, so either I'll use it to that end or I'll blow my brains out because of the absurdity of life. It kinda depends on what I spend more time reading. Either or will do right about now.
The Sn.. "Another Walkaway".. It's a reference to a Counting Crows song... Just incase someone didn't get it, but who could not understand that????????
I'm 23. A little too old for doing shit like this (as this is mostly a venue for angst ridden teens), but it's ok because I doubt I'll do another update. If I do it'll be out of boredom, and then when I realize I don't have shit of importance to anyone I'll get discouraged and stop. The main reason I'm doing this is that one of my really good friends has been pestering me to start one... That and now that I have one I can get into dana's and read her posts (Damn non-public profiles!!!)
And with that I'm about spent... So yeah, merry christmas Hector... I doubt there will be a repeat to often, but hey at least I made a cameo on here.
~Another faceless name
Ps, if anyone actually reads this and knows how to set up a bad ass background let me know... Assuming I do this again.