Mar 15, 2011 13:51
To Do
Send Oily Cart application
Write up Deen Farm stuff
Re-do performance CV for oratorio
ETA: Phone GP Phone back tomorrow at 8am DO THIS
Phone Roehampton Lady Left message on answer phone, hopefully not too garbled. Try again THIS EVE at about 5pm
ETA2: Write up notebook notes from Friday
Work on Magic Flute extract
Find copy of Xerxes
AT LEAST an hour of practice
Work on Entelechy funding
Phone J's home for permission slip
Sort out recordings for Nordoff Robbins application. DON'T DROP THE BALL ON THIS
- Pianist?
- put together recorder rep
- guitar string
- practice keyboard
ETA: God damn reading comprehension I think I'd actually missed the damn deadline on this one before I started putting the application together. I have absolutely no idea why this deadline was in my head as 31st March it appears to have been 31st January. Still, it's sort-of rolling applications - have e-mailed to ask a whole bunch of questions.
Write up project ideas for Better Strangers commission
Disability stuff for BeatBullying
Write up of session for BeatBullying
If possible: Gymn
to do