gwyryon What makes you cry in the night?
The crushing realisation of how my mistakes have hurt people I care about. The loss of hope and dreams.
What comforts you?
Comfort lies in two direction. In one, the darkness fades back to light. Things like unexpected kindnesses, someone making an effort on my behalf, forcefully resurrecting a hope or dream and using it to light my way.
The other direction leads to a bleaker place. There is comfort, there, in simply surviving. A kind of savage joy that every paranoid thought or suspicion is probably right, a terrible freedom in the recognition that there is no meaning.
What will you always remember so strongly that you finger the memory in your mind like it was a crystal talisman?
The epiphany that those moments of transcendent joy that sometimes occur, where one feels connected to the universe, at peace and filled with an understanding of one's place need not be momentary and that living in that state is to be enlightened.
What do you find most exhilarating?
Success, especially against great odds.
How do you go about making friends?
If I knew I would have more or stop losing the ones I have. I had thought that listening, giving of myself in both time and commitment, of caring, of being interested would be enough. Reports indicate that I should probably be more fun and less of a burden, but I am speaking in bitterness, now.
all right people, if anyone would like to be interviewed, please post a comment asking as much. i'll post your questions as a reply, take 'em and answer them on your journal with an invitation like this to make the meme go 'round