A Brief Break!

Apr 20, 2016 21:19

I woke up at the ungodly hour of 7.30am today so that I could get to the library by 9 and write some sort of an outline to submit by noon. Well, I did that; I wrote something. Half of it wasn't even written in complete sentences. I hope the fact that the basic ideas are kind of there counts for something.

I went to town after lunch where I finally got a haircut before doing some shopping. As of right now, I am quite displeased with my hair. The place looked rather basic and shabby, but it was recommended by my Taiwanese friend who knew of place from a mutual Chinese friend, so I thought it would be safe. In a bid to not be rude and judgmental, I held out hope for a decent haircut despite the fact that there were two women running the place, an elderly auntie and her daughter; held out hope even after getting my hair washed in record speed in the lone backwash unit (the chair with the wash basin attached) stashed at the back of the shop, filling up half the storeroom; still held out hope when my hair had been blow dried and the auntie started trimming it, then took the scissors to my problematic and precious fringe, and what I saw in the mirror almost made me stop breathing; held out more hope even after she'd thinned out too much of my fringe and I was looking in the mirror and thinking, Oh. My. God; and I am still holding out hope now that it would look better after I wash and blow dry my hair tomorrow. It tends to be the case that my haircuts look quite crap immediately after the event; my fringe has a life of its own and it can only be tamed one way: take my Body Shop hair brush and quickly brush through it, upwards, so that the hair casually cascades down to cover my forehead. Right now, it looks way too thin and sparse. I asked her to thin out the side where it was too thick, but she thinned out the front too. Oh my god.

I don't know if there are any other Asian hairdressers in this tiny ass village that are within walking distance. I am willing to walk up to 30 minutes, but then again, that's the time it takes me to get to the train station. I might as well go to London to cut my hair the next time. In fact, I wish I had done that. When I left the place, that was the first thought ringing in my head: 'I should have gone to London. I'm going to London the next time.' All I can say is: I hope this shit grows out ASAP.

Anyway, I went to a few shops in town after my crappy haircut (despite my crappy haircut) and I bought some unnecessary things. I went to Oasis and tried on a bunch of things, but these two tops that I really liked did not come in UK 6 and the 8 I tried on didn't fit that well. I thought maybe the UK stores have stopped carrying UK 6 but I just checked my previous orders and I've been wearing 8 this whole time. I am so confused now.

I managed to buy a pair of jeans that I already have. It also happens to be really nice - skinny dark denims. My favourite. It was 20% off so why not? And yes, I only realised that I already had that pair of jeans when I got home. On the bright side, I now own a new skirt. How nice!

I bought a pair of wedges from New Look, and went to TopShop but didn't care for anything, and I was literally about to walk out of the store when I saw this green sundress that I thought was adorable. I must've spent 30 minutes or something ridiculous in the dressing room, trying to decide between a 6 and an 8. My indecision was really stupid because the 6 hugged my massive ribcage and strained the buttons a bit, so 8 was the obvious choice. But then again, the 6 looked better from the waist down. What clinched the decision was my desire not to draw attention to my protruding ribcage. It was too bad that the decision took me ages to make.

I cooked dinner for myself today, and I was really looking forward to this after days of eating shitty sandwiches for at least a meal. Only I can satisfy my own cravings for Asian food!


I went to the Sidney Sussex banquet yesterday with Wei-Yun, Jiro and Alastair. I almost didn't go because I had to write my outline, but after filling up a blank MS Word document with some words, I decided that it would be quite stupid not to go; and so I did. I really liked the French onion soup. The risotto was quite shit; the rice was undercooked and it was just really bland. The orange-infused creme brulee wasn't great; the brulee wasn't thick enough. The company, however, was very enjoyable. Wei-Yun took a shortcut back to hers through my house and instead of sitting down in the kitchen to chat about things, we ended up standing in the hallway (next to Theo's room; oops! I hope we weren't annoying!) talking for at least 30 minutes. But it was nice. I like her; she's very cute, and she's Taiwanese so her Mandarin is so nice-sounding.

I confirmed last night that I cannot drink wine and port in succession. I had white whine over dinner, and took a bit of port in the MCR (I think?) post-dinner, and I felt a bit queasy after a while. The feeling went away after I went to the toilet (to pee) and I stopped in time, but yes, lesson learnt. It's either wine or port, not both; or in any event, no more wine followed by port.

They served port in small plastic cups. I'm not sure whether to shake my head at the cheapness or to applaud the subversion of the supposed poshness of the drink...I think the latter!


Dominic is in Lisbon. Cambridge feels weird without him. I'm looking forward to going to formal with him (and others) on Friday.

Okay, I'm going to watch another episode of Jessica Jones!

phd, cambridge, food, clothes, drinking, hair, shopping

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