Mar 22, 2015 00:45
I didn't get into Oxford. I'm not ready to talk about this.
I archived the rejection email on my phone so that I didn't have to look at it every time I opened the mail app. I am pretty embarrassed to say that I cried quite a bit over this. Yes, I can't help it - I feel like my life is over.
More logical thoughts in a few days' time will follow, if I feel up to it.
I had brunch with my Bitch Club on Saturday at Tiong Bahru somewhere. The last time I saw them was probably in 2012. They are pretty much still the same, except that I expected Baoyue to be late but she was actually on the same train as me - and I was a mere five minutes late. The most shocking thing was that Simon was late when he used to be the only person who was ever punctual for our meetings. He was so sheepish that he bought our second round of coffee and threw in two slices of cake. How sweet, right?
It'd been so long since we last sat around to talk about anything and everything and sometimes nothing that time went by quite quickly, and before we knew it, 3 hours had passed. It made me miss the old days, like one is prone to, I suppose, when one reaches a certain point in one's life whereby one solidifies one's true circle of friends and realises, first, how sadly in short supply they are; and second, as a result, how one should cherish them because people like that don't come easily. The connection made is such that it is not easily severable, not even by more than two years of international absence. Along with Mel, Pei and Khai, my experience in junior college was enhanced and made better because of them.
I really should finally meet Mel soon!
I had dinner and drinks with Kenneth on Friday at Raffles Place, a bar/restaurant called Black Swan. I was actually really surprised by how good the farmer's salad was. He was the same old Kenneth. He didn't even look different. I don't know how he manages to look like he's 25 when he's been a practising lawyer for 3 years or so and is prone to working long hours (possibly just because). I'm not surprised by the latter, to be honest. I met him while interning at a mid-sized law firm in 2007 and he'd already exhibited signs of workaholicism. I remember staying in the office till 10pm on my second day or something with Kenneth for company, nevermind that interns, who were paid next to nothing, simply did not work late. Anyway, we had a nice friendship and it was nice to see him again.
I'm going to bed. I'm going to Capella's Sunday brunch with my parents for their 30th wedding anniversary. Can't wait.
phd application,