
Jul 12, 2007 09:02

My apologies I just realized I am a whole week late in posting the polls for the Mulitple Sets contest. Anyways, here are the winners (finally) for the Stock Images:Sandals polls. New polls for Multiple Sets: 1960's and Random Fandom: Marilyn Monroe will be up shortly. Enjoy!

Votes listed below user name in the following format: (first+second=total)

~~First Place~~

by missdiorinrin

~~Second Place~~


by kirin76

~~Third Place~~

by missdiorinrin

~~Mod's Choice~~

by Littlestlaura

pst-littlestlaura if it makes it easier, you can put both second place icons on one banner for me. ;) Thanks in advance for making Banners!

::Current Things to Check Out::
Advanced: Reflection - Due 6/13 - 4 awesome entries
Stock Images: Fireworks - Due 6/17 - 3 entries

stock images, winners

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