I told myself I would write more...

Jan 18, 2010 22:01

I just saw Daybreakers...was it Ethan Hawle that called my name? Was it a different take on vampires? I don't know...but I left the movie feeling very angry. If I am going to sit there for an hour or so...please keep the plot clear. Please do not throw in random solutions for the heck of it...I do not care how poutily sexy Mr. Hawke can be. The writer/director should not have changed the "cure" midway through. He ruined it.


On to other thoughts. I wnet up to Hearst Castle for a few days. I have come to believe that I really should be a resident of Cambria. The air was clean and the streets were quiet. The sea lions were pretty nice too. And I believe I had the best eggplant. Ever.

Universal Studios is bizarre. I love films, I love speical effects...but the Mummy Ride made me feel awfully nauseous. Still Curious George made me smile.

Is Kesha really Baby Gaga?

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