Jan 24, 2009 21:39
Have you ever tried to teach someone the english language? It's absolute rubbish! homonyms? homophones? homographs?!?! Here's a novel thought: think up a new fucking word. It's not that hard. Widdie, floths, meork. There's three right there.
My guy is crazy about letters right now. 19 months old, thinks that a lion lives in our kitchen sink and can't climb down stairs on his own, but knows his whole alphabet. Upper case, that is. Those lowercase ones are pretty out there. His forefathers didn't have the forethought that someone might actually want to pass this knowledge along. I don't know how to break it to the kid that "Q" and "q" are somehow the exact same letter without shattering his faith in the entire superstructure of human kind.
Being a parent really allows you to look at the world anew and find a whole bunch of asinine things you've never noticed to be personally offended by. But at what cost? My poor kid is going to be the known as that "homeschooled weirdo who speaks Esperanto, measures in metric, and uses the dvorakin keyboard. plus his mom knits his clothes. "