Sep 18, 2005 13:33
All day yesterday I was with Kellie, we had people here til about 1 am for her birthday, then at about ten minutes after they left Kell came downstairs and told me she's going to the hospital.. so NATURALLY I'm going to go with her seeing as she's my best friend.
She had 2 perfect holes (deep holes) in her lower back that started bleeding like crazy and we didn't know what it was.
So we go to waterbury (of all places ugh) I always go to Yale or I won't go at all cause everywhere else sucks major dick if you ask meee, but whatever.
we get to St. Shitty Mary's and fricken witness these 2 dudes getting brought in by the cops who got in a fight at a bar and one dude got stabbed and other punched a cop in the face ahhahaha, so yeah I spied on them for a little bit because I'm a nosy motherfucker and I love finding out peoples' shit haha.
We found out what it was, this dumbass Dr. came in and he didn't know his ass from his elbow so Roxanne aka Mama Wood, and myself were out there arguing with him because he's a fucking JOKE.
He basically said someone was bleeding to death upstairs so the surgeon is busy but we can go home and talk to Kell's doctor. This was after about 5 hours of waiting there and Kell crying and me holding her hand and making dumb jokes, we both fell asleep on the bed hahah, Roxanne said she wanted to take a picture of us to put on myspace (haha cause thats what we do) and yeah it was funny.
The only shoes I brought were heels cause we went to the mall, so I go there wearing this crazy huge hoodie and high heels like a retard with my hair in a ponytail ahahh and kell wore some big t-shirt, i dont know, we looked funny. ahah
So this shitty Dr. was arguing outside with Roxanne and myself and I was all about, "Uhmmmm she's not going to be billed for this bullcrap because you did not do a damn thing- we didn't take her here for 5 hours for you to finally come in and say the surgeon is busy and she should call her Dr. monday morning." and he was like trying to be all gay with me like, "ohh well you know, I gave her a diagnosis..."
...This is when Roxanne flipped her switch (hahah she;s a tough cookie) so she's like, "Listen I think you're being a bit too cocky for my liking..." blah blah blah and he was trying to twist around his words sooooo I go out there and chime in my 2 cents because when Roxanne is pissed off, I get pissed off because she;s my 2nd mom & i love her.
So us 3 are out there arguing, 2 stupid nurses show up and start chiming in, and I'm all about, "You weren't even down here, stop talking." and Kell was all nervous laying down and ugh
Then it was like 7:30 am when a surgeon came in and cleaned out the holes and packed them with gauze and now Kell has to go back there tomorrow to maybe have surgery.
We didn't get out of there til 8:30, then we went to McDonald's courtesy of Roxanne haha.
Then my mom was "blowing up my phone" to no end because she's a psycho and wanted me to drive home so I can go to my potential job at 1. I'm like, "Lady are you retarded? I'm driving anywhere, I can't even fucking see right." so she's all gay on me and making my ears hurt with her shitty voice, so I keep hanging up, I called the place, told them I'm not coming and why, and went to bed on Kell's couch.
ugh what a fucking nightmare but Kellie's feeling somewhat better & I love her & I miss when she lived with me because we were inseperable. <33
yea bye