(no subject)

Jun 12, 2005 23:30

Okay, my crazy cat lady status has officially been confirmed. Being that I am typically a rather logical person, I will admit that up until quite recently I have been in utter and complete denial that I really had crossed over that very fuzzy kitty line between happy cat owner and the downright insane. Never mind that DAILY I can be overheard in lab saying, "You guys wanna hear this funny thing my cats did?", or "I swear to god this is the last cat story I will tell you today, but it's really good". Never mind that I refer to my cats as Feline Americans. Never mind that I email pictures of cats to my wonderfully tolerant friends. Or that I sing songs to my cats with lyrics such as, "You're kitties cuz you're sleeping. Cuz you're sleeping your cats." NEVER MIND all of that....

On Saturday, I returned home to find the screen to my bedroom window on the lawn and no sign of either cat. Shortly after, The Baron

was located in the bushes in the front yard; however, Mazie was nowhere to be found. I must admit, the next FOUR HOURS while looking for her I kept the panic at bay rather well. That means there was no crying while I DROVE MY CAR AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD CALLING A CAT'S NAME, or while I CRAWLED WITH A FLASHLIGHT UNDER ALL OF MY NEIGHBORS DECKS, not even when I felt I had to widened the search area UP TO A TWO MILES RADIUS AROUND MY HOME INCLUDING LOOKING UP AND DOWN THE SIDE OF THE FREEWAY FOR HER MANGLED CARCASS.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Hey lj user anotherday, cats go outside all the time. In fact, some live outdoors and return home only occasionally for food and petting." Yeah, I know. BUT NOT MY CATS!! All I could picture was my poor Mazie out there...SOMEWHERE.....ALONE.....FRIGHTENED.

I'm almost too embarrassed to admit it, but I even made calls to friends for emotional support. People were calling in for status reports for the rest of the night. I am utterly pathetic.

As you might have guessed, the little twat did return home...SIX HOURS LATER.

For the most part, she was okay, a bit tired, but otherwise unharmed...

The weird thing is though, The Baron wants to kill her now. No, seriously, he wants her dead. I'm beginning to think, based on the screaming every time he sees her, that maybe she was "pushed" out of the window and he just hid in the bushes to cover his tracks. Alternatively, she was sprayed by a male cat. Working under the second hypothesis, Luke tried to bathe her. HA. It's like trying to teach Christianity to Satan. I washed her with a wet towel, which she only barely tolerated, and The Baron laid down next to her as if no bad words had ever passed between them. A bit later, when she dried off...again with the assassination attempts.

Anyone know of any products that remove alien smells from fur that DON'T need to be applied in bath form?

Anyone know of a good psychotherapist taking new clients?
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