Oct 08, 2011 21:23


Name: Nikolas Andreyvitch Kamarov
Age: 43 years
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"/180.3cm
Weight: 165lbs/74.8kg

[ ] Magical by nature/practices magic.
[X] Can't have magic used on.
[ ] Contagious (see notes).


Average Lifespan: 80+ years
Rate of Maturity: ~18 years
Average age of Puberty: ~13 years

Normal Diet: Standard Human diet.

Common Ailments: Colds, other common ailments.

Specific Notes: Self-designates as 'posthuman,' owing to genetic mutation from a planetary close encounter with a comet. Patient possesses an energy absorbing talent of fairly large magnitude. Patient states that current body is relatively new, owing to cloning after a 'mishap with the sun.' Patient declined to elaborate further.


All of the following sense-related questions are to be answered in comparison to an average Homo sapiens. Ask your medical provider for assistance in answering this section.

Blood Pressure: [X] Average | [ ] Low | [ ] High

Vision: [X] Fine | [ ] Near Sighted | [ ] Far Sighted | [ ] Enhanced

If Enhanced, further explain:

Hearing: [ ] Deaf | [ ] Low | [X] Average | [ ] High Range | [ ] Low Range | [ ] Extremely Sensitive

If necessary, further explain:

Smell: [ ] Cannot Smell | [ ] Low | [X] Average | [ ] High | [ ] Extremely Sensitive

If Extremely Sensitive, further explain:

Known Allergies: None.

Are there any potential complications with healing processes we should be aware of when treating you?: No magic-based healing. It will do more harm than good.

Do you have a healing factor different from the average for your species? If so, explain how here: Yes. Energy absorption abilities allow for rapid healing. Medical intervention is unnecessary for all but very serious injuries.

Have you recently been screened for species, sex, and age specific cancer risks?: No

Special notes on care: N/A

Record of Past Injuries:
Patient states that this list would be long, 'ridiculous,' and unnecessary owing to recent cloning. He further states that he 'has not broken this one yet.'

Ship Health Records: N/A


Have you ever been sexually active?: Y

Are you currently Sexually Active: N

Have you recently been screened for STIs?: N

Species specific sexually related health notes and/or issues: N/A


Are you or should you be on any prescribed medication? If so, list below:
Patient has a history of untreated clinical depression, declining treatment.

Have you taken any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances in the past? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below:
Alcohol, in moderation.

Do you currently take any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below:
Alcohol, in moderation.

t9, medical info, ooc

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