Dec 01, 2004 21:02
damn. fish numero dos died yesterday. i wonder how long it'll take the last one to go. poor little thing, all alone. i don't give it much longer. :\ the water is so icky.. there's no way it'll last.
more animal trauma: my sister's dog and Annie got into a fight last night. one of Annie's joints on her front leg is all swollen. :( poor pup.
i'm hitting a stress point and i don't like it very much. too much work and not enough time to do.
i want to get my UTC application in, but i've been postponing it so as to apply for the honors program. the thing is, i don't really want to do the honors program. i don't know whether it's because i'm lazy or i just don't care, but either way, i just don't want to. i feel like a cop-out, because not only do i want to go to a cheap, easy, in-state college, but i can't even work up enough drive to get into their honors program (which can't be very hard to get into). these past four years have drained all motivation from me. i can't imagine going to some 'prestigious' university where i'd have to work my butt off all the time; i don't think i could handle it.
i want to work in journalism, yet i have the most trouble making myself write. my future doesn't look too hopeful... blah.