Nov 23, 2004 20:24
today has been really good! aah! what's going on?!
this morning, i gathered up the courage to talk to Mrs. Irving, and after a bit of negotiation, she's going to let me take peer tutoring with Mrs. Jones during second, which means three and half hours of newspaper fun! which is really a nice thing, because not only am i getting rid of a class that would have homework, but now i'll have more time to work on the paper and won't have to stay after school as much.
so, my schedule should hopefully look like this: art 1, peer tutoring, newspaper, science fiction. not too shabby, eh?
with that easy of a schedule (probably the easiest i've ever had) i'll hopefully be able to work during the week some, which is great, since i need money like whoa. this Europe trip is going to be mighty pricey.
we got the paper today, and while it is rather dark (which is not my fault, and therefore i should not be upset) i think it's the best one yet. there are a few minor problems, but it really is quite good. i can't expect it to be perfect, because even if i've perfected it to the best of my abilities, the publishers are bound to screw it up. so yeah, i'm pretty pleased with it.
at the Keep Knoxville Beautiful meeting, we spray-painted the "don't throw down on k-town" logo on t-shirts. they make me happy, though i can't wait until the next meeting, when we'll have more colors available and i can make an even better shirt.
i've been having problems with my cd burner lately, but i finally got my gangsta mix to burn. which makes me a lot happier than it probably ought to. haha, what a wigga.
i also finally managed to figure out how to make a hidden track for my next mix, which makes me really happy. i downloaded all these crazy programs, and turns out, all i needed was the stupid old windows sound recorder. whodathunkit?