Oct 03, 2004 13:07
welp, this weekend was a bit nuts. friday night me and the boys hit up bentley. we got destroyed. especially me. icehouse is terrible haha. after a terrible morning/afternoon after, i came back here....was miserable, then went to northeastern to play some bp in tom's room. it was gettin a bit crazy and i was getting mad tired so i came back here to have shib, trisha and janelle stumble all over my room, make easy mac and then leave. i might do homework today, but i havent decided on it yet. that sucks.
i really need to stop being lazy and write some music cause i got ideas in my skull, but i never think to do it. and i kind of want to vaccuum the dorm and clean up around here but i'm farrrr to lazy to do anything. fuck. this is a desperate request for motivation.
much love,