Nov 19, 2003 17:14
name 3 habits you have:
1. after eating tootsie roll pops, i eat the stick too...weird
2. flipping the hair
3. when i'm walking, you can see me feeling around for my phone, gum and wallet
name 4 scents you love:
1. when my mom makes chicken cutlets
2. new car
3. newspaper
4. gasoline....i know that's probably weird
name 3 animals you like:
1. ferrets
2. dogs
3. monkeys
name 6 television shows you love:
1. daria
2. most extreme elimination challenge
3. family guy
4. simpsons
5. movie channels
6. spongebob
Name 3 bands/genres/artists most people don't know you like:
1. rap....well you should know i like rap
2. r&b
3. 80's fucking metal
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1. water
2. diet coke
3. orange soda
name some random facts about yourself:
1. i'm a big wuss
2. i love food
3. i have a girlfriend
4. i don't know what to think about college
have you ever...
fallen for your best friend? don't know
made out with JUST a friend? nope.
been rejected or heartbroken? of course
been in love? sure
been in lust? haven't we all
used someone? nope
been used? possibly
cheated on someone? nope
been cheated on? yuh's in the past
done something you regret? sure
who was the last person...
you touched? rob's over, we probably gangsta shook
you talked to? rob
you hugged? dana
you instant messaged? gabe
you yelled at? don't remember
you laughed with? rob
you had a crush on? see random facts
who broke your heart? the last person? what-ev
do you:
colour your hair? i have old highlights
have tattoos? nope.
piercings? nope
own a web cam? nah
have AOL? yeap...and aim
what should you be doing right now? homework, practicing all county
what are you listening to? ltj's on the tv. and she's gonna break soon sucks
chicken or fish? chicken.
do u have a favorite animal? dog i guess