가장 아픈 사랑 (The Most Painful Love)
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Artist: Fanny Fink
Album: 가장 아픈 사랑 (Single)
Genre: Indie/Soft-rock
Release date: 24th January, 2011
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Rating: ★★★★
This song is an indie/soft-rock song by Fanny Fink, an indie band from Pastel Music. They debuted with the album Mr. Romance, and unfortunately their former member Young Bin left the group in 2010 when they came back with the digital single Snowdrop. This song is a soft, mellow song from their newest single 가장 아픈 사랑, or The Most Painful Love, telling a painful story of reminiscence.
Starting off, we can hear vaguely in the background a soft sound of the outdoors and some water running. The music starts at 0:18, and Myoi's faint, mellow vocals are accompanied by chords played on a piano and more background noises. The clean guitar and drum beats enter at 0:44, and this adds a stronger tint to the verse, contrasting to how soft and calm it was before. Chorus begins at 1:10, and Myoi spells out the soothing melody with her smooth voice, and soft electric guitars also enter. The range clearly widens in the chorus, as high notes start to appear. Chorus ends at 1:58 with an short instrumental, and the verse reappears at 2:04. The song returns to its mellow, relaxing self. Chorus re-enters at 2:59, this time with the backing track slightly stronger and louder to create a high point and to contrast with the verses. Chorus ends at 3:47, and the song returns to a lower point as the volume of the guitar, drums and keyboard decreases slightly. Myoi re-enters at 3:52, concluding the song with her pure and soothing voice. Guitar fades away, and only drums and keyboard can be heard.
I gave this song a 4 out of 5, and this is because I have been looping this song a lot, and that made me a little sick of hearing it, but nonetheless this is a beautiful indie track. The lyrics of this song had been written in a very melancholy and very beautifully, with a theme of reminiscence and the patient lingering of the heart for a lover, and all these feelings and emotions in the lyrics match extremely well with Myoi's mellow, artsy style of singing.
Overall, I think this song is a must listen for people who want to try out Korean indie, and also for people who are new to Fanny Fink. This song is a light listen that conveys strong emotion with a mellow style.