Title: How To Run To; A Survival Guide By Prince Meredith (Edited By John Sheppard)
Author: theravenwrites
Pairing: mcshep
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: some swearing
Disclaimer: Neither SGA or Abhorsen is mine, very unfortunately. If there was, there would be a lot more male nudity.
Summary: Prince Meredith's got a plan. It just doesn't involve dragging an unwilling AWOL pilot around. Or being killed by the Dead, either. Unfortunately, these things seem to be happening anyway.
A/N: Sorry if I messed up some of the Abhorsen terminology; I didn’t have a book to fact-check with. Hope you enjoy!
Prompt: A fusion between Stargate: Atlantis and Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy - Rodney is the brother of the future Abhorsen, Teyla, and the heir to the throne, Jeannie. He's at a bit of a loss as to what he wants to do for the rest of his life when he meets John, a pilot who's plane crash-landed in the Old Kingdom when a storm blew him too close to the Wall.
Step One: Have A Destination In Mind