Laka - Payback

Apr 26, 2007 21:51

“Give it up, Kylish, you know you’re no match for us,” Canderous growled, annoyed with how long it took to find the would-be assassin, only to be ambushed by him and twenty men, who now had him, Carth, and Alora surrounded.

“I think not,” the man jeered, backing away. “And I think, Mandalorian, this will be the last anybody hears of your fallen Jedi.” He then turned and walked out the door, and as soon as it clipped shut the blasters went off, though Carth frowned as he caught a split second noise of a young shriek and the clang of virbroblades from outside.

His attention, however, was soon arrested by the hail of fire as he and his compantions launched themselves foward, diving behind large shipping crates before returning fire. Canderous let off a gernade, then looked up as Alora quickly dispatched the enemy with superb skill and swiftness.

As soon as she was done the Mandalorian was on his feet and at the door, tugging it open, freezing when he saw the scene outside.

“Canderous-” Alora and Carth were also arrested by the sight of a small girl, bone thin and wearing rags, nevertheless swinging a vibroblade with stunning strength and speed and an overwhelming ferocity at Kylish, who was just barely catching the blows with his own sword in time.

“Whoa!” Carth’s blasters went up, but Canderous let loose a haught snarl and shoved them away. Carth blinked, then glared. “You can’t just-”

“Look,” the Mandalorian said, staring. Alora blinked, then took a step backwards in surprise as suddenly the first half of the blade vanished.

Carth’s jaw dropped as Kylish gaped, his sword falling from his hands as he reeled back, staring at theblade sticking out of his chest while the girl just watched, chest heaving. Then the defeated man toppled, and a silence fell over the four, broken only when Canderous slowly marched forward.

The girl turned and looked, her eyes widening when she saw them, then all trace of surprise, fear, anger, or other emotion faded, leaving only weary triumph in its place.

She turned to him, and he quickly registered the blood spilling by the only apparent wound he could see, in her side. She looked up at him, eyes glazed for a moment before she nodded, once. He nodded back, then blinked as she smirked, then turned away, as if she was going to leave. There was a beat, then she toppled, passed out cold before she hit the floor.

Carth started forward, but Alora’s hand stopped him, and the pair watched as Canderous walked forward, bending down and scooping up the girl, then turning around and walking back past them.

“C’mon, we’ve wasted enough time in this pit,” he growled, headed back for the port.

The two war heroes behind him stood in awe, then exchanged looks before following quickly.
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