Nov 15, 2005 00:53
sometimes i love the when i know the words to a whole movie. Its just fun. I wish i could remember other stuff as well as that but alas the human brain doesn't quite work that way. but it is fun to watch a good movie and know all the words. I just got done watching a movie 5th element on my computer. I love that movie, it has everything in it, history (it may not be real but its still cool) action, romance, ans sicence fiction , it is just a great movie. and i m sorry to say but bruce willace is hot. but anywho on to more interesting things i guess. So i have two days off cuz of individual art review, so my classes were canceld for monday and today. Fun i sat on my ass all day and it was great. but tomorow i have to get my act togeather and fill out a shit load of paperr work for study abroad and then take it over to the office. so ill be busy, cuz i am gonna have to track down a bunch of heads of departments to approve my classes in england. grr i wish all this would be done and that i wouldn't have to worry about it, thought now that i really think about it i don't have that much more to do paperwork wise anyway. just the stuff i have and then my passport, but that shouldn't be too hard. and i am really excited about going to ireland for spring break, i can wait for my pint of guiness. mmmmm i hope it actually tastes good. this semester has gone by really fast, i can't wait for my schedule next semester. i didn't get all the classes i wanted but i really like the ones i did get, so thats really good. i am really looking forward to it. i just have to get done with the present one then all will be good. Oh and two really fantabulous things are happening this weekend; one- i am going to see harry potter with my sister, two- i am going home on friday, so ill have a whole week at home, ahhhhhh it will be sooo great. yippy. wel i am off now i got to get sleep so i can get up at a reasonable time tomorow to do my shit.
Oh and this ones for you court "its a, its a, its a, its a" "no no no no, cuz if it was a bomb alarms would be going off cuz all theses hotels have bomb detecters" hehehe i missed your part tonight.