Feb 14, 2007 00:40
Valentines day has never been that special for me, unfortunately. I wish it were, but nothing very special has ever happened to me on that day. I got roses once and that made me smile. To those of you who look forward to it and all that hoopla, happy V day.
I eat lunch alone a lot. Not by choice or because I'm a loser, but because of my time schedule I can only get to lunch at 2:00 or after. So I'm usually alone. The other day this guy randomly came up to me and was like "do you mind if I eat with you?" I probably gave him a dumb-founded look. But hey, how often does someone you've never seen before ask to eat lunch with you? Never. I gladly accepted. He ended up being a really interesting guy and I am very glad I ate with him. What struck me, though, was how he knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He knows exactly what hes going to school for, the degree he wants, the job hes going to get, and the types of books hes going to write about his experiences. He wants to be a psychologist. It was interesting. He will be good at it. Anyhoo... I truly commend this fellow for being so brave and sitting with a complete stranger. That is something I would absolutely never do because I am so damn shy to new people. I guess I would meet a lot more people and learn a lot more things if I was more open.
I guess I am applying to UNC to try and pursue journalism? ....Sense some hesitance? As do I. I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life and whether or not I want to transfer. But I'm going to go ahead and apply and see if they'll even accept me, because if they don't, it'll make my decision a hell of a lot easier.
You ever heard the saying "you have to love yourself before you can love others." I absolutely, whole-heartedly disagree with that statement. I believe you can very much so love other people but be insecure about yourself. I say this from a first hand experience. I am absolutely in head over heels love right now yet I'm still trying day after day to love myself.
I think it is a horrible quote.
And probably stops people who know they have low self-esteem from looking for love.
There is this movie out called "In the Land of Women" and I srsrly frreal need to see it imdiatly. No, there is no short hand for immediately. I need to see it immediately. Immediately on April 20th when it comes out. Let me say immediately one more time.