JOHNNY ARE YOU QUEER? lol good song

Aug 16, 2004 18:44

i am soooooo proud of myself...first i was tryin to fix something and COMPLETELY screwed up what katie did to my lj...BUT smart lil me fixed it :)! THEN i made this nifty lil LJ icon you see at the top of my journal! MUAH im so awesome! lol

this weekend was fun...
thursday- good ol hurricane party w/ the rents...i had some bacardi O but mostly i was beer girl, drivin back and forth to our house to get more...
friday- we got hit SO hard by that stupid hurricane lol jp...but god bless the ones that did get hit and the ones who lost loved ones. :\ then around 6 lindz came over and we got bored so at 9 her mom picked us up and we were gunna go to davids but something came up so we ran to stayed there till 12ish and went back to lindz house and watched 13 goin on 30...missed the ending because jody called but he was more important anyways lol!
saturday-woke up when my phone was goin off because the CHeLLoNaToR was callin...ate bagels at lindz house and left around 12...michelle came over around 6, we ate and left my house to go to babysit at like 730...we watched Cold Mountain and half way through Jody came over (around 9) and then we watched Gothika and EuroTrip...we all left around 230 and me n chelle went back to her house...
sunday- ate dinner with chelle and her family...then me her her brother and step brother went to the mall and tj max...then i came home, played a lil phone tag w/ jody and talked to lindz...
today is the day tellin a certain someone a certain something AHH im nervous ::bites nails:: but a good butterflies nervous! :P
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