(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 15:27

its spring break & im sick & not allowed out & it sucks, I'm writing in lj cause i basically have nothing better to do. things are going pretty well lately, but everythings also kinda weird...i dont know i can't really explain it.i've had alot of drama lately, like more than ever, but overall most of it has been stupid & really hasn't gotten to me at all. I'm glad its getting warm out. This year has gone by really really fast & if i think about it alottt has happened, good & bad, but it's been a good year. I've met alot of new people that i really like this year but i also lost alot of good friends, but i got some back too. Last year seems forever ago & i miss how everything used to be, basically nothing was ever serious & i acted stupid all of the time, which to most of you dosn't sound too different from me now, i just feel like i've changed alot. I miss having to stay up till 5 in the morning when you had a sleepover & being a loser if you didnt & manhunt at jessicas, staying up on the phone until 6 in the morning, waiting for jackie to fall asleep then throwing snow on her, throwing baby powder all over evies friends, when the movies was the place to be every single friday night; not writing poetry on a napkin at starbucks or when everyone wore those retarded volatiles & thought they were the cutest things ever, when all my teachers actually liked me, sleeping over ericas old house like everyweekend & going to her softball games & tara tonya & tina, "oh herro swiss rolls", vicki screaming at us to go to sleep at 2 in the morning, Espo & wilbert, telling my life story to jenna megann alyssa & kristin everyday in i.s, getting written up for building blanket tents &making mr. bacon miserable. basically just all the gay stuff from middle school & all the people im not as close with or lost completely, but to be honest i can't really complain, i basically have the 2 best friends in the world & they stand by me in absolutely anything & i know i'm really lucky because ALOT of people don't have that. I have alot of old friends & new ones and they're all amazing too. I can't wait for the summer, I think its going to be amazing. This entries starting to ramble so im gonna stop now :)
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