11:00am tomorrow

Mar 27, 2007 16:44

We get the keys to the house! Working a half-day tomorrow, it's gonna be a long afternoon. We're planning to sleep there tomorrow night - it will be the first quiet night in the past 5 months. There just might be joyful weeping.

So long upstairs neighbors who stomp rather than walk! I won't miss your wrestling antics at 3am, your weekend long parties with 25 of your drunk, clumsy friends or your crappy bass-heavy music that you can't live without, especially at 7:00am!

Also, can I say how giddy I am about having solid water pressure? These past few months have been painfully long having to bathe under a trickle that would flip from scalding hot to ice cold. Brings a woman to tears people, tears. Would you laugh if I told you the AMAZING water pressure was a selling feature? Or how I know it will be a knockdown drag out scramble up the stairs to see who gets in the shower first?

Tomorrow can't get here soon enough!
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