Aug 08, 2004 13:48
uhhh.... my head. i think i went to bed at 5am, the erin got me up at 7am. i reamember specsifcly saying "not it" wehn it was time to get up, but she woke me up anywhey.
dam it why do i think of all the good things to say, after an important talk...
props to nate for the blanket and pillow, much appreciated.
props to me for letting "tag" rome free.
props to dave for making me roll the 300 (i think i did)
props to shannon for making me talk
props to the beast ( i love that big ol hunk o junk)
props to adam for cleanin everybodys pockets out and writing "fart" on the frig. that was hilarious
anywhey im still on 2 hours of sleep so my mind is a little crazy
i need