So. I need you all to help me build my summer reading list. Please tell me what wonderful books I'm missing out on.
To aid your recommendations:
My interests skew toward the fantastic: sci-fi or just unusual-I don't have much interest in reading about people Just Like Me who have problems Just Like Mine (unless they're in OMGSPACESHIPS).
Right now I'm reading Iain Banks'
The Wasp Factory (highly recommended, but a bit macabre), and tonight I picked up Chuck Palahniuk's
Invisible Monsters, because I've been wanting to read some of his work but buying Fight Club seems so clichéd.
Oh, and here's the
books section of my wishlist.
Now. Any recommendations? The more the better. I'm really running out of books that I haven't read already (The Wasp Factory is a second read), so I need help!