May 10, 2005 17:34
A duck
the but nuck
is in the tuck
its definately all about luck
i give nothing for a buck
no mule
fond of duel
nothing but a tool
ROUND 1!! (first word by carla)
penguins march happily down the street
Slowly eating away at their own Feet
and dancing to the slow beat
Little do they know they'll soon be harvested of all their meat
by a massive fleet
They hope to make you perfect and neat
but only when there is extreme heat
now sit your fat ass upon your seat
and wait to make an excrete
Soon to get a taste of a rewarding treat
i only wish to cheat
Do wish to surrender and admit defeat?
but we have not sat down to eat
only because the man under the table wishes to remain discrete
lets go in a giant field of wheat
i will burry you alive under ten tons of concrete
a sexually reproduced fungi is called a gamete
carla wins.....round 1 is complete
ROUND 2!!!!! (first word by kyle)
I will show you that your nothing but all talk
only because you can open my lock
You think your so clever with these words you use to mock
no, but at least i dont balk
...alrighty then im tired of sitting here im going to take a walk
why not go get some chalk
while i do that go get butt fucked by some fat jock
oh that was low you insignificant dock
dont make me throw your head against a rock
well if you do i will castrate you with a block
OW, well i'll sufficate you with the smell of my SOCK!
well at least i dont have to see your ugly cock
careful with what you say your time is ending, tick tock
omg!!!! what a shock
next time you come over you have to knock
stupid people always seem to flock
and when they wish to visit they never remember to watch the clock
its because they like to gawk
well i say we should through them in a pool with a kroc
go go you mighty hawk
hes nothing when facing my mighty ewok
but what about the vegetables in my giant wok
the ones that make people so sick they call for their doc
forget what i say for i am not on a dry-dock
now to unleash the all powerful colourless peacock!
i am the awesome meriadoc
whats that? looks like AN INFESTIOUS chicken pock
you're nothing but a god damn bollock
your way too much trouble way too much havok
omg finally there is a man named brock
careful i know where to find the merloc
but you are not at full stock
i search this land high and low for words i frollock
I give up, therefore kyle the hawk wins
ROUND 3!!!!!!!!!! (first word by carla)
doo da doota doo lets go for some fun
hate to break it to you, but i'm having none
but......but......look at that giant sun
thats great but your dressed like a nun
*grabs a gun*
careful with how you wager your life, you only have one
well ive lived better then attila the hun
well youve got one thing in common if i measured your ego it would weigh a ton
i cant believe it hadnt won
well believe it believe it like the antichrist is going to be your son
i want to eat a nice big bun
i want to make sure i never have to be on the run
well then that shall be done
i'm not very good with knowing how to make a pun
well its not for everyone
i know i just wanna not be just a normal someone
i dont care if its not a word ur a big fat vun
kyle gives up I WIN!!!!! this gets boring after a while:(