Note: I have squee'd to some of you. Feel free to ignore this post or this part of it at least. I went to see the greyhounds at Petco on Sunday. If I didn't have 3 dogs that need my time and attention, one of them would have gone home with me. They are so -gentle-. A 80 dog can lean against you and feel like nothing. Even the one dog that jumped was able to do so without knocking me around or being forceful. She was trying to give me a hug and it was cute, despite not being the best possible manners. The more I read about them and talk to their owners, the more I become convinced that they are teh awesome. They're gentle, cuddly couch potatoes that generally come with a good mount of dog socialization, some training and are used to human handling. I'd read all this before, of course, but seeing them was something else. They're adorable. <3 I'm not sure what I feel about this. I admire her courage and was annoyed that Perez Hilton was taking the supposed moral highground and crap, but this article seems to have indicated that he got himself together, so I withdraw the bitchy rant I might have made. The fact that it was Perez Hilton as opposed to, say, Ellen, made it harder for me to be objective and focus on the issue rather than his behavior, occupation and bitchy streak. Again, I note that he pulled it together, so hey. Though on that end, I'd like to to focus shift to fixing federal spousal benefits across the board. If we spend another few years (or not) fighting over gay marriage, maybe that at least could be worked in and help people now. But I'm dreaming again.
Edit- Yes, her coherence is less than promising. At least they didn't ask her about the Iraq. I'm attempting to get over my instinctual hissing at Perez Hilton, but we will see.
Things are better. While I have a math test, I have free days to study for it and days -off-. Volunteering is the only thing on my schedule and Friday I will know if I made it into the program. *bites nails* Time always moves by so much more slowly when you're waiting to know. -_-
And as I've managed to squander precious study time, I'm off for now.