Apr 28, 2008 21:01
feeling kind of overwhelmed.
feeling happy and sad. nostalgic and lonely although i am always surrounded, always.
until tonight.
i am home, alone, listening to an old p:ano album about to clean, make dinner [and lunch!] do laundry and draw for a bit.
malloreigh and i went to victoria this weekend! it was glorious.
items of note:
being sketchy east van kids that take twenty minutes to open a bottle of wine in a mcdonalds, then pour it into coffee mugs and leave the bottle and all on the table and walk to the bus stop.
running into luke! [this guy i randomly met at the art gallery] he was on the same ferry as us going to see his girlfriend.
hating the card game crazy eights.
hitching a ride with a lovely young french couple who listened to the juno album.
delicious vegan food all of the time.
constantly walking.
sitting in tar.
changing clothes in a alley only to then met a guy named cameron..? i think.
going to my work in a different city.
seeing seb.
going to a muffin shop after hours.
stealing from value village.
stoned bus and ferry rides.
the trip was lovely. i was so happy to get away and smell fresh ocean air and feel a breeze and be super warm! last night i went to lindsays! i hadn't seen her in aes it felt like. we went for sushi and bought some sparkling shiraz and champagne flutes. wen't back to her house and drank and talked. it felt so good to have something to do one night which didn't really involve going anywhere. also, that it was super chilledand relaxed and felt comfortable and familiar.
tonight my friend brock told me i should compile my drawings and poetry and make a book. he would help me choose what to put in and how to organize it and we'd try to get it to a publisher. my question for you is would you be interested in a book or my strange magical art and stories and do you think other people would be as well?
i am extremely biased. i need help and critical opinions.
also, anyone know a publisher, seriously this is so not my thing.
anyway i am off to dream and live here, now.