(no subject)

Sep 27, 2007 00:19

good evening all. well, currently it is technically morning but whose realy keeping track?

so the other night some guy climed into our friend yngvilds window and started trying to take her blanket off her and take nude pictures of her. she was so tired she thought it was her boyfriend sean until she touched his hair and it wasn't. she came into my room freaking out and laryssa and vero had to get our landlord next door. while they left he climbed back in the window and started messing shit around. their door was closed so we couldn't see him. it was one of the scariest things i've ever been through. they knew the guy and told him to leave and he said they would install proper locks which they did as well as clean up our yard from brush and build a fence. the thing is after they left he came back and was spying on us through the window. fuck. drunk guatemalans. yngvilds boyfriend, sean is going to talk to this guy soon. it seems he lives nearby. the idea of walking past this guy and saying hello to him in the street is terrifying. fucking creepy.

other than that days have been good here. the night that that happened was also the evening of drinking, drugs and a ping pong tournament. the rule of the tournament was that there was a drug test and you had to be on drugs to play. i was out in the second round but improved my game a bit. i guess just doing more drugs helps. after the game jeroma and two of her friends whose names i've forgotten with laryssas help of course made brusschetta and fresh pasta with sauteed portabello mushrooms. it was amazing. so much good food, we were really, really full.

the next night we all had a cleansing at the house where laryssa and i made vegan shepherds pie which is now to be known as super pie as sean says. it was amazing. we will post a recipe and some pictures soon. we made a sun on the top of it with green beans, turmeric and raisins. it was fucking beautiful.

yesterday we took a house field trip out to semuc champey. sean driving and us all passing a joint around. it was a really nice nide up. all drinking soda from tienda provedencia and staring out at the hills, mountains, sky and down at little lanquin. we swam for a bit but the water was a bit murky as it rained the whole night before. usually semuc has crystal clear pools where you can see all the way to the bottom but alas, not yesterday. after swimming we sat on the shore and ate some lunch and walked over to the small mirador below the last waterfall. we sat there searching for first a thought lost joint and then later a lost lighter which we never found. but as we were sitting there you could hear the wind and thunder and see lightning close by. then, the rain hit. you could see it down the river and then it hit us. we thought we might be okay but we ended up having to "run to get to shelter as if we were dying". anyway, we ran up the hill and found a small cave to hide in and smoke the other joint in while listening to the river. it was weird though, i was slightly hallucinating from the weed which i've never done before. sitting there i could hear music off in the distance. it was like it was calling us but was dangerous. it would play any song i wanted though, i could change it on a whim. i heard refused, these arms are snakes, sarah slean, vincat. it was so bizarre. then after, walking back to the car i could still hear it but it was as if it was coming out of the plants we were passing. incredible.

when we got to the car we could hear howler monkeys in the nearby trees. i swore i could see them but again was probably hallucinating as after thinking i saw them i also saw one of them turn into the head of a creepy bald man with clear blue eyes wearing a black curly clown wig. he appeared from behind the branch and began taking photographs of us. so yeah, maybe i didn't see any howler monekys.

we all came home and they all ate so much chocolate. snickers, twix, milky ways. it was insnae. they also had chips, but alas nothing for me. we came home and had leftovers which i kind of slept through. i was so tired and slept so well waking up to a chyeem in my lap which was quite lovely and comfortable.

this morning laryssa was up early cleaning as our house was a disaster. i swept and then sean took laryssa up to the market to pick up some vegetables and fruit. also, sena got my package at the post office! it was filled with tea, semi sweet vegan chocolate chips [finally, some chocolate], two cds from online friends, confetti cows, water balloons and a casper the friendly ghost t-shirt my family got for me in disneyland... yeah...

anyway so we all made tea [laryssa, yngvild and i] and had delicious oatmeal, their's with banana, coconut and raisins and mine with apple cinnamon maple carmelized sauce. it was really tasty. then i chilled at the lodge all day while laryssa worked and we headed home and made a huge dinner. stuffed tomatoes [since i missed them last night], more cream royal tea, cajun fries and black bean burgers with fresh salsa. i am so full as i also snacked on some chocolate chips.

tomorrow i may be going to coban to pick up a few things with sean but something more definate is my trip to belize. i'm planning on leaving in two weeks heading to san pedro so i'm close to the ambergris cayes and to the mayan ruins site of altun ha. then i will meet laryssa in livingston and check out how my skin is doing and if i should continue on my travels or head home because of the risk of infection. it's really not looking to well so i hope the sea water will clear it up and the lower humidity really.

so pretty much all is pretty well here in lanquin, except for the creepy drunk man incident. tonight i'm pretty sleepy but might go to the bar for some dancing. although it is already one am. okay.

also, here is a picture of yngvild, laryssa and i just after i shaved my head on a day trip to coban to go paca shopping and wander around with ice cream, well, sorbeto for me!

here is a photograph of me at semuc champey photographing these large red flowers that were growing around.

and here is me looking sad that i'm losing my hair. photographs taken at matt and jeromas home. beautiful.

goodnight all my jungle woodside faeries.

vegan food, drugs, vero, guatemala, cooking, yngvild, sean, semuc champey, lanquin, creepy drunk guatemalan, laryssa

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