Mar 15, 2007 23:14
i am completely sick of the anti poverty committee. like i've said before i understand the need for social housing. i am all for it and what not but the violence that has been occuring is not acceptable. tonight they seemed to "protest" if you could even call it that against the police. now, it obviously wasn't in the name of the APC, at least i don't believe it was but of course members of that group were a part of it. instead of saying anything worthwhile about what their protest was about they seemed to mill around east van swearing, knocking over mailboxes and attacking cameramen and police. [the media can skew these facts but it didn't seem to me like anything good or thoughtful came out of tonights protest]
one of my main problems is the attacks on the police, i understand that police brutallity is an issue in vancouver but with all the coverage on the APC i have never seen any harshness of the police towards them. the job of the police is to keep order and when the APC makes things disorderly the police are there to deal with it and make arrests.
when the APC first occupied an empty hotel in east van i think in september i was all for it. they were organized and weren't violent but over the past months their committee has become progressively worse. their message of social housing is not getting across and any effort they make to make that point clear is muddled by the fact that they are disorganized and cannot make a clear point or even try to organize meetings with city officials for example. i understand the need to protest, it gets your message out to the masses and garners media attention but to protest in a way that shows you in a bad light makes it so if the APC does anything worthwhile the general public is still blinded by the fact that they are violent and unclear.
i think a new group needs to step forward or the leader of the APC should try and re-group and create order. i think that they have a strong messgae they just don't know how to go about conveying that to the people of vancouver.