Title: You Commandeered My Heart (1/?) - An Officer And A Pirate
anoradhRating: PG
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Genre: Pirate!AU, romance
Warnings: Bad Harlequinesque writing, probable factual errors, intentionally stupid plot
Spoilers: None, I think
Word Count:
Author's Notes: I was playing Sid Meier’s Pirates! and dancing with the “beautiful”
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HISTORICAL AU yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees please continue please please please ♥
I think three would work best, what with the Spaniards having a bounty on his head and all (or you could cheat and have them capture Castiel in order to lure Dean in who then gets captured himself and then Cas and the gang have to then rescue him- HAH).
I'm so sorry for the .gif spam, so sorry. It's a habit. *facepalms*
Thanks for the pretty images and for your advice! :-)
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