Anora couldn't believe that she was actually and truly finished at Hogwarts. It was exciting, but also scary as hell. She'd cried a lot at graduation because she was going to miss everything so much, she even drunkenly hugged Boyko. She'd regretted it after, but it wasn't like she was ever going to see him again or was she. In any case, her and Hannah had BIG PLANS for the summer: they were off to Provence! Dome had insisted that they stay with him, and Anora suspected it was because he got lonely in that big flat all by himself. She wondered if he would ever find a nice French witch to settle down with. Sweet Zeus listen to her, she sounded like her mother. The important thing was that she was in FRANCE and oh did she love it there or what.
Presently, herself, Hannah, and Dome were sitting in Dome's kitchen, after dinner at one of the adorable little bistros. And Dome was drunk. He'd discovered a new kind of shiraz that he'd absolutely fallen in love with, and promptly drank two bottles of it. Dome was a large bloke so Nora didn't expect he'd make himself sick or anything like that, but he was certainly enjoying himself. At the moment he was twirling around in a black and white striped v-neck singing in French. Nora was dying of a painful gigglefit. "DOME!" she managed to choke out. "You're such a mess!" and resumed laughing.