Haven't written here for ages. I have given up smoking... kind of. Only the third day. And am allowed to smoke on weekends if desparate but probably won't bother. I'm going to miss smoking on dave's balcony though. But I guess like he said we can always go out on the balcony now to chew gum. Fun!
So I haven't really done anything that hasn't involved dave. I don't mind. Actually I quite enjoy it. Just miss everyone a little. But I have no money to drink and I have no time to be drug fucked. Damn acting responsible. Not really. I'm probably drunken more often than last year. Just can't afford to drink out.
I want a cigarette but neh. Met dave's parents at dave's gig on monday. They are the cutest people. I love them. Very nice. They looked at my myspace and thought the fat woman falling down the stairs in the gif was me, so they were suprised when they met me. They would have also read that I smoke. Which they nicely didn't address.

Find your own