Jul 04, 2005 22:53
We (mom and I) went to go see fireworks at my dads work, and he was mad cause we were late. But I got pictures of it on my cell phone my dad told me to. And it was amazing.
Before we went there we went to Jamies house, and we eat, and then my neighbors were lighting off fw's and so I sat in the back of my dads truck and watched those. My mom bought me sparklers beacuse my family doesnt "appove" of fire crackers so I was like can I at least get sparklers.
So when I got home my brother and I did them in the backyard and watched from over our lake all that everyone was doing from the town center and from the neghboors it was so pretty.
Pretty or not people really have lost sight that this day also is in remembernce and celebration of our Independence Day. Dam you people.
Dam skippy Im watching the 700 club about what it really means to be independent. People gave there lives in 1776. So no yes the fireworks are pretty but your not supposed to lose sight of the fact thats its independece day.