Feb 15, 2004 00:34
so today i hung around and then went to brad's... then i chilled with him, randy, and alysha. it was cool... randy's cooler than i thought. i guess its a matter of getting to know someone. the more i hang with brad the less "shy" he is too. that's good. there's no reason to be shy around me lol. anyways... so we all know today was valentine's day. i'm glad i spent it with friends. there's nothing wrong with that. so i didn't have a valentine. obviously i survived the day if i'm talking to you now. my daddy got me balloons. 5 of 'um... 2 white, 2 red, and one heart that says the obvious: Happy Valentine's Day. lol. my grandparents gave me 20.00 and that's it. i got my madre a little something. she likes it. that's good. tomorrow i'm chillin with alysha then i'm chillin with brad and maybe randy if he's still at brad's house. me and alysha are gonna go see 50 first dates. that looks like a wicked good movie. it better be for how much the friggen eastfield mall charges. that's fucked lol ha. oh well. it's weird how i'm not crying anymore. shouldn't i be... part of me wants to. alot. but part of me is sick of living this fantasy... dreaming of me and aj being together. it won't happen. it can't because of "someone". that "someone" makes me want to hurt someone lol but oh well. i mean i guess i don't mean "oh well" but i don't know what else to say. let it go and if me and aj are meant to be we will and if not then there's someone else out there for me... and i'll find him. when i least expect it i'll find him and i'll be in love all over again. well i'm going to go. later all.
happy valentine's day