Oct 14, 2008 17:10
i went to see weezer last night. and let me say. it was so much fun! i missed tokyo police club and was slightly sad. angels and airwaves was visually entertaining, but musically droning. all the songs sounded the same and tom from blink 182 is now officially on some zen crack. he moved around posing and had lights on his hands and...i just didn't get it. i kept checking the time to see when weezer would come on. that's not a good thing :( and trying to practice his poses which remind me of tai chi. weezer was most excellent. time flew by. it's sad how old i've become because i looked at rivers cuomo and he has a bald patch in the middle of his head. they played all their popular songs including pink triangle, which made me think of my step sisters. they did a rock concert movement by bringing out tom and the drummer from angels and airwaves. they also did something super cute. they got some local musicians that won a radio contest on stage to play with them. there were guitarists of course. but there was a violin, a sax, tuba *dude also wore a pimp fur coat on stage. very swanky*, a triangle, a harmonica, and some bongos. they got to play two songs with the band *island in the sun and beverly hills*. it was soooo cute because the audience was to help with the "hip hip's" i'm so glad that i finally witnessed a weezer concert.
the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae? my friend didn't flake on me *yay!* and the people around me apparently were entertained by me as well. i was cheering and singing and having a good time at a concert as usual. but the people around me thought me super duper enthusiastic or something. the guy next to me kept looking at me and started chatting me up. it's not like i was dressed to the nines. i had my weezer/kermit the frog tshirt on and cargo pants and i think i'm about 10 pounds overweight. the weezer papa next to me was also looking at me all the time. he's a weezer papa because he looks like some kid's dad that took the kids to the show but is not allowed to be with them so he's in the pit on his own because he secretly enjoys the band. and he did because i saw him singing along to some of the songs. but i digress. the guy next to me was so impressed by my concert enthusiasm as i was leaving and chatting with my buddy, he still continued to chat me up. and the best part? he was british!! **gushes** it was a lot of fun and i made a friend. i dunno his name or his number and i'll never see him again. but it was fun.