New Years Eve

Dec 31, 2011 17:12

So basically I fail at LJ. Well done me for not writing anything for six months! I blame Doctor Who for being uninspiring, to be honest. I mean, there were some parts I really enjoyed (Doctor's Wife/Girl Who Waited) and some parts I really hated (River Song backstory/vanishing baby plot) but mostly it was just... meh. -_- I had no idea what else to ask for for Christmas though so this year I ended up with series six on DVD, two DW shirts, Eleven and Amy action figures, and this Time War game that is not about the Time War at all lol. It's a trivia game with ~flip-board action~ that is fairly amusing, except all the trivia is about series 5 and 6 and the game pieces are marbles. I think we are going to end up using the action figures as game pieces haha.

Anyway here is a meme:

1. Your main fandom of the year: Doctor Who, although Portal has been sneaking up on it, especially with the recent disappointing season.

2. Your favorite film this year: Ugh I don't remember what movies came out this year... even looking at a list of 2011 movies does not bring to mind anything I was really excited about. Back to the Future was briefly in theatres again and I would have loved to go but I was unable to. Maybe it will come back in 2015.

3. Your favorite book this year: Children of the Sky by Vernor Vinge. It is the sequel to A Fire Upon the Deep, my favorite sci-fi book of all time, and although it wasn't quite as good it was still fantastic and I had been waiting for it for quite awhile. Also it looks like there will be a third book so that's encouraging.

4. Your favorite album or song this year: Erm I have a new favorite song every week so I don't know how to choose, and I don't really buy full albums anymore. I discovered Still Alive by Jonathon Coulton (from Portal) this year, long after everyone else... that's one of my favorite songs at any rate.

5. Your favorite TV show this year: For shows that are airing currently and I watch every week, Castle has been the frontrunner. I don't engage in fandom but it's great entertainment. Then this last month my family discovered Merlin on Netflix and we have been having a bit of a marathon ever since, which has also been pretty fun. It reminds me somewhat of what Doctor Who used to be like, character-wise.

6. Your favorite LJ community this year: Uh I haven't really interacted with LJ this year but I guess doctor_rose_fix has been the best for daily moments of shippiness. :)

7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year: PORTAL. Portal 2 came out this spring and after seeing all the ads like a hundred times on Hulu I investigated some more, watched a playthrough of both games, and ended up loving them so much I bought them both myself. And I've been reading fanfiction/looking at fanart and creating some of my own ever since. Wheatley is my favorite... never thought I'd love a metal ball so much. I love GLaDOS too. Most of the fandom seems to be on Tumblr so that was another new discovery... I'm thinking about getting one of my own.

8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year: Moffat Who. I don't even really want to call what we saw this year Doctor Who, except for a few key episodes/scenes, and I'm looking forward to the day Moffat hands the show over to someone else.

9. Your TV boyfriend of the year: If we are talking about what I discovered this year, both Colin Morgan and Bradley James from Merlin are super cute and I would go on a date with them any time. But David Tennant will always be my favorite (although I guess he's getting married tonight?)

10. Your TV girlfriend of the year: Karen Gillan is still adorable and we could totally celebrate our birthdays together. But other than that I have not really crushed on any girls this year.

11. Your biggest squee moment of the year: Right around Halloween two videos of the old Doctor Who cast were released, the 500 Miles and Let's Do It videos, and it was such a nice surprise because I've missed these people and didn't expect to see them together again! Also my favorite fanfic this year updated right after I watched the videos so it was basically the best fandom day ever.

12. Your most missed old fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It was a roleplaying game in which you got to make up your own character and their personality, and I played around in fandom several years ago. This year they released a new novel and MMO based in the same universe, both of which 'canonized' the main character from the game as male. This is extremely irritating to me because I always played as female and now tons of people are going around saying that's not valid and that the female storyline wasn't as interesting as the man's anyway. I am developing a ton of pent-up rage on behalf of a fandom I used to love years ago, and I wish they had never decided to 'canonize' a game whose main attraction was that you could choose your own story. Ugh.

13. Your fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to? I will probably take a look at some Merlin fic once I catch up on the fourth season, but I am not sure how involved I would be in fandom, because judging by YouTube it is mostly defined by a slash-pairing I'm not interested in. I'll just see what happens.

14. Your biggest anticipation of the New Year: Not sure... Doctor Who is so far away and if it's anything like this year it's not worth getting really excited about... Ooooh, I'm going to Florida this summer though and we are going to that Harry Potter theme park (plus Disney World and other stuff). I've never really been involved in the HP fandom but I am definitely excited for the trip.

Well, I guess I'll see you next year... maybe my new year's resolution should be to update LJ more often, haha.

books, star wars, doctor who, meme, alia's life, fanfiction, movies, television

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