Title: Things Come Together Rating: PG Genre: Romance Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: TezukaFuji Summary: Just another TezuFuji fic, like any other TezuFuji fic out there. Tezuka likes Fuji, but Atobe and Yuuta get in the way.
I'm glad their youth came through... they act like mini-adults all the time, and I was trying to write them in a way that came across as vaguely middle school-ish. So thanks for noticing ^_^
ahh, youthful boys.. perfect refreshment for my tired brain. it's good to have a fic where tezuka isn't always pictured as super buchou. being a teenager and all, there's gotta be times when the boy feels lack of self confidence. and fuji's little touches, and the origami, how sweet. ^^
I'm glad you like my Tezuka! I actually can't stand Tezuka in the manga/anime, he's just soooo boring imo, so I tried to write him into a semi-likeable character.
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