Apr 23, 2008 13:47
For those of you interested in school melodrama, have this tastey bit of information.
There was a "riot" today at Trabucco Hills High School. My school, in case you recently joined my friendslist and don't know who I am even am right now XD;
Basically, every year we used to have Battle of the Sexes, but then some teachers protested that it was "sexist" and taught the growing minds of our age that gender is another form of discrimination--so that got disbanded and now we have "Battle of the Grade Levels." The title pretty much explains it all. Basically we have a spirit week in which we all wear whatever the all mighty rulers of ASB tell us to. Then during they week we have a long ass assembly for those elected to compete for the title of "the best grade". It really just consists of people playing games in the corrosponding team colors: blue for seniors, green for juniors, red for sophmores, and yellow for freshmen.
Its rigged every year. I saw no point to it.
But a lot of people at my school--namely the seniors--were very attatched to the assembly because it represented another part of their last golden days of high school.
It all started when last night a bunch of juniors came and "vandalized" the campus. Which really just corrosponds to them throwing an asston of green glitter and streamers every where, chalked empowering notices on the ground, and the occassional written message on a classroom window. I thought it actually made the campus look interesting--so I didn't mind. But when some seniors heard about the juniors vandalizing that night, they went out and beat the shit out them and trashcanned them.
Later that day at Snack time, the Sophmores started some shit with the seniors, who started shit with the juniors, who attacked the freshmen and leaded to shit being thrown around the quad. Water bottles, water balloons, drinks, food, etc. It was a little sassy--but I didn't see it since it was in the hallway. But, someone threw a frozen water bottle with the cap still on and hit some girl in the face. Heavier objects where then thrown and rumor has it that it hit some girl and broke her nose. An open water bottle also hit one of the admins and got his shoe wet. Boohoo.
Beacuse of all that vile asshattery, the admins decided that the school was too roudy and cancelled the assembly during 4th period [the time RIGHT before the assembly] and didn't consult ASB. People were pissed. They left their classes, stormed the hallway--yelling, and then proceeded to resist school arrest and all that jazz. Text messages were sent around school to stage a walk out and a sit-down protest in the quad when 4th period was over. That was exactly what happened.
So during 5th period, few students showed up but went to the quad in a sea of yellow, red, green, and blue protesting to the cancellation. Teachers were upset that the students weren't showing up, that the admins didn't consult ASB, and that everyone were being dicks. Some teachers even PROMOTED the walk-out. It was fuckin nuts. Some students and teachers feared for their lives...but common, really? I wasn't nervous at all.
Silly babies, rioting are for real people--not teenagers a little pissy that their assembly got cancelled.
Anyways.. no one really knows whats happening right now--whether the students stayed in the quad, just ditched, or went to their 6th periods. But the admins were pretty rattled that all of us actually LEARNED from history and made a statement. No one knows if we're even going to get the assembly back or if Battle of the Grade Levels will continue next year.
Thats about it.
TLDR; There was a riot at my school because some little pissy, sentimental ass seniors and a band of dumb underclassmen didn't get their assembly. My school is full of whiney kids and even worse--admins with no backbone and liberal ass teachers.
high school,