Entry the First

Apr 13, 2009 22:30

I can has new journal?

I mean, why not?  I've only got like, seven others scattered about the interwebs as it is.  Why not throw on one more thing to keep track of?  ;)

I have another livejournal under a different name, same thing writing wise, which I will not divulge, so don't even think about it.  This is just me and my secret fic journal.  A fresh start, if you will.

So hello.  Welcome to my newest endeavour.  Hopefully it will be more successful than my previous attempt.

And hopefully you found this because you are reading my ss/hg work in progress, Above All Things, that is currently only posted at AFF.  Why only at AFF?  Simple.  AFF has not succumbed the to nazi-istic ( (C) Nom de Plume, 2009*) rules and regulations that other, more notable fic archives have subscribed to in the years since I first started writing fanfiction.  And let me tell you, I was so sorely disappointed in their general prickishness** and/or lack of humour that I could just spit.  >:\   What.  Ever.

Anyway, back to my original explanation.  So, AFF lets anyone post without really going through the whole beta-process, (although any decent person at least tries to make their submissions as clean as they can before posting, surely) and as I suffer from an unholy problem with procrastination and basic lack of willpower, I thought, wtf, I'll just post and see what happens.  Also, I was eager to see if my story had legs and was interesting before going through said beta-process.  And as I've gotten 50 reviews, as of today, in the space of a couple of weeks--I take that to mean that, comparably, it is.  :D  Which is just lovely.

I do feel guilty though because I've put off a different fic, because I got all caught up writing this one, which I'm sure does not amuse the beta I have at the mo'.  But, when inspiration hits you're not supposed to leave the Muse ignored and unhappy or she'll smack you in the face like the sorry bitch you are. :(

Oh, to go back confusingly, I would like to clarify that while I was annoyed with certain "rules" other fanfic sites maintain, I do not mean to discredit their attempt at quality content.  In most cases, if you're going to do something, do it well.  I agree.  But damnit, the previous creative device I used at the start of my first fic was met enthusiastically and was considered quite humourous.  And then for you to turn around and say, "this is considered improper usage of grammar, excuse me while I shove this pencil up my arse" is just bogus.

I find it infinitely amusing (not) that a creative writing site treads on writer's creativity.  Again, I'm lazy and not willing to fight over it so I refer back to my simple:  What. Ever.

Well.  That's enough for tonight.  I'm tired.  And my eyes hurt.  I just turned 25 and I sound like I just turned into a crochety 55.*** Dear God.

Also, I don't think I'm digging this particular layout.  There's a distinct rainbow pattern in the header.  I'm not exactly a rainbow type of person.  But I'm too tired to tackle html tonight.


*i probably didn't copyright that first.
** alright.  my grammar skills have gotten atrocious.  i get it.  but, come on!
***absolutely no offense intended on behalf of 55 year olds. that doesn't even make sense to say such a thing.

crochety behaviour, fanfic, ss/hg

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