I finally made it! My friend had this looovvveelllyyy moss growing under their dad's old VW beetle, so yesterday we scooped some up and made matching terrariums! (i don't have their pictures yet, but when i get them i'll post.) They're like mini enchanted forests!
It was pretty simple to make. Pebbles on the bottom to collect and separate excess moisture. Then a layer of activated charcoal to soak up more excess moisture and odors. A layer of soil (followed by different soil bc i didn't like the look of the first soil) And then the moss. There is a little clump of Elfin Thyme in there,and I broke off a bit of a Succulent (that bright green fleshy flower thing)for variety. The fern in the middle is some kind of maidenhair fern I think. We'll see how it goes.
I'll also be adding hand sculpted/painted teeny mushrooms soon. Which I will of course show off.