Jul 05, 2011 14:44
I've renewed my subscription to ancestry.com
Good Lord, I forgot how addicting it is. o_O
So many people... so many freaking ancestors. Someone has done extensive genealogy on my paternal grandmother's side and wow.
If this shoddy linking is to be believe though, I'm related to a nice group of history.
Assuming it's correct (probably isn't) i'm the direct 17th great-granddaughter to Geoffrey Chaucer, 14th great-granddaughter to Johann Gutenburg, 7th cousin to Marlon Brando (Audrey Hepburn is in there too), the Tilly brothers (Edward and John, Mayflower passengers/signers) are long lost uncles, Howard Hugues is a 6th cousin, Mary Cassatt!!! a 5th, Norman Rockwell and Georgia O'Keefe are 7ths, Robert Penn Warren, Ray Bradbury, William Faulkner - Queen Elizabeth II (8th Cousin, 2 times removed) and a partridge in a pear tree. So much fun! So much daunting, exhaustive, addictive fun.
And that's just one line of people! :O
Found a photo some distant relative uploaded of my 2greats on paternal grandmother's side. Pleasant (aww) and Matilda Jane (I was singing 'Walzting Matilda' all morning yesterday! o_O) from very early 1900's. That was cool.
I'm itching to find more on my mother's side though. Need to call my grandfather and ask about some people if he still knows. I regret every day that I didn't get my grandmother to write down all the family history info while she was able. She was SUCH the family historian, and I remember so many stories and not enough facts. Seriously, this woman knew who was who, how many kids they had, how many grandkids they had, etc. etc. back at least 100 years. Could kick myself. :( Her mother was an Adams, and she claims we're descended from President John. That would be fun to verify.
*stares at dozens of little tree leaves popping up with hints*
Goodness. How does anyone work with things like these around?