What a pretty good weekend. It would have been nicer if we'd had today off at work like we have every year previous... but our new parent company is apparently racist and unfeeling.* Still, the weekend was good.
Friday, Paws and I ambled down to our adorable little theatre to see "The King's Speech," and zomg it was great. Colin Firth even won for Best Actor in a drama last night at the Golden Globes! Yay him! (Johnny, despite being nominated twice in the same category, lost to Paul Giamatti -admittedly a worthy opponent. I guess - and jesusomg he looked good. The hair was... eh... but if it's for a role, which I suspect could be for
Dark Shadows, which begins filming in a couple of months, then I prefer it hanging down rather than slicked back like some sort of creepy, oily... creeper. imo. this has been a long tangent.) Where was I? Oh, right. "The King's Speech" was awesome, Colin Firth is soo enormously talented, Helena is...*glee!!!!*, freaking Geoffrey Rush never manages to be less than brilliant and as a bonus, Jennifer Ehle was in it, and the scene with her and Colin was squee-inducing!!! I found myself gripping the armrests, wincing, holding my breath and leaning forward, wiling him to get through each wretching stutter, choke and pause. Really, it must have been exhausting for him. It was for me and I was simply the viewer. Also, it was, hm, what's the word I want, not quite refreshing" or "nice" because even those words are more than I'm looking for, but something similar was how it felt to see Helena more reserved and calm in a role rather than her usual boisterous, larger-than-life characters. And yet, she still maintained that simmering just-below-the-surface mischief.
Moving on, Saturday was nice and would have been terribly slothful if I hadn't forced myself to leave my darkened bedroom for a walk. Upon exiting the house my eyebrows went ^_^ and then I went :O!!!! because, apparently, it had been 61 degrees out and I'd had no idea (bc it's cold in the house) and why had I wasted most of the day indoors when I could have been enjoying the fresh sunshine and warmth?!?!?! As a result, I went for a not-quite 2 and a half hour walk at gorgeous!cemetery, whereupon I had a sort of "moment"? A psychic moment? Or, at the very least a "Whaaa??? :O" moment.
Mmk, so I have a favorite area at gorgeous!cemetery where I stop (as it's also my halfway point when walking) sit, and gaze from these stone steps beside a large oak tree, that is almost spilling over a moss covered stone wall, on a hill, (so pretty and forest-y) and every time I'm there, for some reason, I always think of the name "Jonathan." I don't know why, and I'm not sure what imagery near there makes me think of it, but I do, and I hadn't really consciously been aware of it as a thing. But, I always mumble it and I thought perhaps I was wanting to create a character named Jonathan or something. I'm fond of the name and I'm always reading the headstones for great names (have found several as a consequence) and I love to go to this spot to ponder things of a plot and writerly nature. Anywho, so on Saturday, when I parked myself at the steps and gazed out and thought of Jonathan, I finally jolted and realized that I, once again, thought of this name and why do I do that? Suddenly, my eye caught a headstone just ahead and to the left and I could only read the back of it which had the surname "Westlake." I thought, "Westlake. Who is on the other side of Westlake?" I had never really perused the stones in front of me (because it's on such a steep incline and usually it's slippery/mossy there, and well, I'm clumsy enough as it is) but I couldn't shake the feeling, so I got up and went to look. Guess who inhabits the stone below Westlake?? "John." Born 1832, died 1894. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I picked my jaw up and gazed around a little squeamishly and said, "Heh... um... Jonathan? Is... are you... hi?" *squeak?*
Sunday was really nice as well. Met Paws at 2:30, went for a Target run (Bluey! et. al. they have Valentine's Day socks out! Hate the holiday, but I love the excuse to buy heartish socks), bought an 8 lb. weight and some resistance bands, and then we went home, put our stuffs away then met back for dinner at Chinese Restaurant of Win! And then, we went for a two hour walk until well past nightfall. I love College Avenue, really I do. We also had crepes halfway down the street! It was actually my first crepe. Not bad, I must say. Also found several options for salons for the cutting of the hairs which! I am attempting to finally make good on possibly this weekend. :D Goodbye long, dry, hay-like tresses.
And to tag back to the title of this entry, I will complete the re-working of Chapter 10 of "Into the Woods" by the end of this week, so help me, or no haircut for Nom! I don't know why I keep putting it off. Stupid.
And also in fandom news, I'm on the brink of slipping into PotC fic and/or wanting to write an Alice/PotC crossover. Can you just see Tarrant aghast at the ungentlemanly things Jack Sparrow does?! Ha! And then when he slips into his raving darkness..ooh... um. whoa. I just possibly envisioned Tarrant/Jack slash. Is that weird or totally hot? Don't answer.
edit: omg tarrant/alice/jack. omfg.
*That is an awful thing to say. Still gonna stand by it though if at least only sarcastically.