Oct 31, 2005 12:13
Now this is very important people.For my first entry it has to be! Dont even get me started because I'll go even more then i already have XD.
The link between reality and observation is based on what has been called the 'Copenhagen Interpretation' of quantum mechanics because it was proposed by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and other physicists working in that city. A more colorful and memorable reference, however, is probably one based on a thought experiment. That experiment puts a cat in a box with a device triggered by a single particle's quantum behavior. The device, if activated, kills the cat. Since quantum theory says that the particle's behavior is indeterminate until its probability wave 'collapses' upon observation, the cat can be considered both alive and dead at the same time until the box is opened and one or the other condition is observed.
That animal in the box is known as 'Schrodinger's Cat', named for the physicist who proposed the scenario. So the 'Schrodinger Cat phenomenon' might be another name you'd see associated with this phenomenon.
This view of nature is obviously speculative, and raises questions about what kind of observer is necessary...need it be a human, could it be another cat, or an earthworm? There are other interpretations of 'quantum weirdness', but they all have strange aspects to them because of the unexpectedly bizarre nature of the quantum universe.Oo
Now go away and think about it.