Inked Myr Raziel
Started coloring Myr Sevrin
Mowed lawn
Made bread
Weeded garden
Closed bank account with TCF
Typed up renter's agreement with Hobbit
Sent State of the Rah address to parents
Finished and posted Portland trip lj entry
Made copies of financial aid and taxes for appt.
Worked on Metanoia and Myristica commissions
Drew some things for self accidentally >_>
Did laundry
Mowed lawn
Worked on Metanoia and Myristica commissions
Started packing
Finished Myristica Sevrin
Started new bank account, sorted out finances for trip (sorta.)
Still packing
I woke up at six this morning, and spent a couple hours reading bits of Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book, in between packing to move to Portland. It's giving me ideas for Changewind - poetry and manners and job titles - but mostly it's reminding me just how much I love the point where human structures and nature interact.
Therefore I went out and weeded the vegetable garden barefoot. It rained last night, so the ground was soft and perfect for pulling weeds, and smelled wonderful. We have rather a nice-looking vegetable garden, for a first (secondish) try. The broccoli's growing slow, but the tomatoes, radishes, beans, carrots, cucumbers, and onions are lushly green and divided into neat sections, and it is well-weeded except for the onion section, where there's a large red ant nest.
On a less domestic note - after planning to pack for the Subaru, it looks like it'll be cheapest to mail everything and fly out. The Subaru isn't up for a 3,000 mile trip across mountains, and Seebs clued me in to the fact that federal estimate is $.50/mile for long trips, not including the price of hotels and food. So, $300+ for a plane ticket, and $600+ at least to ship all my stuff out there. I'm going to have to work my ASS off on commissions. And figure out how to buy a plane ticket when I don't have a credit card yet. I know my parents will help me, but I'd really like to figure out a way to do this on my own.
This move to Portland feels exactly like my first high dive. I wasn't nervous, really, til I got to the end of the board. Then the board was wobbly, and the water was very far away, and I was suddenly afraid I wouldn't be able to swim well enough to make it to the wall. Maybe I'd knock myself out on the water.
I don't remember if I chickened out and crawled back, that first time. I do remember that I eventually jumped, and loved diving, despite a couple belly-flops. Today I'm wearing parental arm-floaties that I'm pretty sure will get me back to the wall.
I know I don't have quite enough money lined up, for sure, to take me to the end of the schoolyear. The job market in Portland is even tougher than elsewhere, because so many people want to live there. My parents can't afford to support me infinitely, I certainly don't want to ask them to, and there are a lot of things I need to do to prepare for the move besides getting finances in line - pack stuff, get rid of stuff, move my computer's brains over to my new one (and hopefully organize it in the process,) get commissions done.
Wish me luck, all right? I don't mind belly-flopping as long as that's actually deep water down there.