Sun through leaves
Old iron railings
Wooden docks
L'heure blue
Snow falling before dawn
Rainy mornings
Rain in the streetlights
Green and gray - rain in summer trees
Gold, maroon, mauve, dun, white - November landscapes
Emerald black and bright gold - embroidered velvet in a Dutch oil painting
Turquoise, aqua, cerulean, white and hot pink - summer sky and something bright
Birch and bracken fern
Moss agate
Edwardian Christmases
Lightning that stays in the clouds
My cat, whose fur is so soft and thick it hides my hand when I pet him
Brushing long hair by a window
Dormer windows and slanted attic rooms
Sunny wood floors
Stucco walls
Tudor mansions
Wooden steps that lead to a path where the leaves have been worn to smooth earth by bare feet.
Wet roads. Cars shushing past.
Highway overpasses
Strange conversations
Honest conversations
Fire escape gardens
The backs of buildings
Telephone poles and their swooping wires
The hum of transformers and cicadas
Fireflies, and bare feet on cold grass
Dew so heavy the shoulder-high grasses bend down to your waist, made of solid shining silver, and the sky is barely pink and no-one else is up yet
Snow without footprints and a white sky seen through branches, white on white
The chime of woods after an ice storm
The crack as a tree goes down
Dove Dark chocolate
The Easter eggs my mom painted and dyed
My mom, for helping us make Easter eggs, and hanging the results on the tree
1/12 scale miniatures that really work
Mike Mignola's lines (both art and dialogue.)
A sweet dark bass, a solid tenor, a warm alto and a clear soprano
ORIGA + Yoko Kanno
Candles in the dark, and the aching, wonderful silence of waiting for something holy
My family singing 'Be present at our table, Lord' around the dinner table, even though half of us are atheist/agnostic
The little kindnesses that are so hard to think of
People who think my art and stories are worth paying attention to
Amal of Sandalwood, bergamot, gun oil, and myrrh, separately and in small amounts
Hot cider with allspice, oranges, cloves, and cinnamon brewed in it
Cold, because it makes the warm so much better
A clean house
Well-used tools
Really hard puzzles
Accurate recreations of the past
Good food
My grandma's painting of five onions, because onions are important, too
The pull in your shoulders as you paddle a kayak, and the rush as you sweep around a fast bend
The right word, and no extras
I'm such a romantic.