Jul 21, 2008 12:42
LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY 2008-2009 ACADEMIC CALENDAR Fall Semester, 2008 Final date to apply online to the Graduate School for the fall semester August 1 (F) International Student Orientation August 14 - 15 (Th-F) Freshman and Transfer Orientation August 18 - 21 (M-Th) Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. August 25 (M) Labor Day holiday September 1 (M) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. September 2 (Tu) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" September 2 (Tu) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes September 4 (Th) Final date for adding thesis and dissertation research; final date for September 4 (Th) “degree only” registration Final date for submitting to Graduate School applications for master’s and September 5 (F) doctoral degrees to be awarded at fall commencement Final date for departments to recommend to Graduate School appointment September 12 (F) of examining committees (requests for final examinations) for degrees to be awarded at fall commencement Final date for submitting to Graduate School general examination reports September 12 (F) for doctorates to be awarded at spring commencement Fall holiday begins, 10:00 p.m. October 8 (W) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. October 13 (M) Final date for receipt of graduate admission applications for spring semester October 15 (W) without paying $25 late fee Final date for international applicants residing outside the U.S. to apply to October 15 (W) the Graduate School for the spring semester Mid-semester exams October 13 - 18 (M-Sat) Mid-semester grades due, 9:00 a.m October 21 (Tu) Course scheduling for Wintersession, spring semester, Spring Intersession October 26 (Sun) and summer term begins, 5:00 p.m. Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses November 7 (F) Final date to request rescheduling a final examination when three November 7 (F) examinations are scheduled in 24 hours
Final date for submitting to Graduate School the “Program of Study” for the November 7 (F) current semester to be counted toward the doctoral residence requirement Final date for submitting to Graduate School committee examination reports November 14 (F) and approved theses and dissertations, including the Graduate School corrections (noon deadline) Thanksgiving holiday begins, 10:00 p.m. November 26 (W) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. December 1 (M) Concentrated Study Period--no meetings, social activities, athletic events, or December 3 - 7 (W-Sun) other extracurricular activities requiring student participation will be scheduled; no major examinations will be given in academic courses other than labs Classes end December 6 (Sat) Final examinations December 8 - 13 (M-Sat) Final grades (degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. December 16 (Tu) Final grades (non-degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. December 17 (W) Commencement Day December 19 (F) 42 MWF Classes; 28 TTh Classes Wintersession, 2008 Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. December 15 (M) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" December 15 (M) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes December 16 (Tu) Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses December 23 (Tu) Winter holiday begins, 10:00 p.m. December 23 (Tu) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. January 2 (F) Classes end January 5 (M) Final examinations January 6 (Tu) Final grades due, 9:00 a.m. January 8 (Th) 11 Classes Spring Semester, 2009 Final date to apply online to the Graduate School for the spring semester January 1 (Th) International Student Orientation January 5 (M) Freshman and Transfer Orientation January 6 - 8 (Tu-Th)
Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. January 12 (M) Martin Luther King holiday January 19 (M) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. January 20 (Tu) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" January 20 (Tu) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes January 22 (Th) Final date for adding thesis and dissertation research; final date for January 22 (Th) “degree only” registration Final date for submitting to Graduate School applications for master’s and January 23 (F) doctoral degrees to be awarded at spring commencement Final date for departments to recommend to Graduate School appointment January 30 (F) of examining committees (requests for final examinations) for degrees to be awarded at spring commencement Final date for submitting to Graduate School general examination reports January 30 (F) for doctorates to be awarded at summer commencement Mardi Gras holiday February 23 - 25 (M-W) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. February 26 (Th) Mid-semester exams March 2 - 6 (M-Sat) Mid-semester grades due, 9:00 a.m. March 10 (Tu) Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses March 27 (F) Final date to request rescheduling a final examination when three March 27 (F) examinations are scheduled in 24 hours Course scheduling for fall semester and Summer Intersession begins, March 29 (Sun) 5:00 p.m. Final date for submitting to Graduate School the “Program of Study” for the April 3 (F) current semester to be counted toward the doctoral residence requirement Spring break April 6 -12 (M-Sun) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. April 13 (M) Final date for submitting to Graduate School committee examination reports April 17 (F) and approved theses and dissertations, including the Graduate School corrections (noon deadline) Concentrated Study Period--no meetings, social activities, athletic events, or April 29 - May 3 (W-Sun) other extracurricular activities requiring student participation will be scheduled; no major examinations will be given in academic courses other than labs Classes end May 2 (Sat) Final examinations May 4 - 9 (M-Sat)
Final grades (degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. May 12 (Tu) Final grades (non-degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. May 13 (W) Final date for receipt of graduate admission applications for summer term May 15 (F) or fall semester without paying $25 late fee Final date to apply online to the Graduate School for the summer term May 15 (F) and fall semester Final date for international applicants residing outside the U.S. to apply to May 15 (F) the Graduate School for the summer term and fall semester Commencement Day May 15 (F) 42 MWF Classes; 29 TTh Classes Spring Intersession, 2009 Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. May 14 (Th) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" May 14 (Th) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes May 15 (F) Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses May 26 (Tu) Classes end May 29 (F) Final examinations May 30 (S) Final grades due, 9:00 a.m. June 2 (Tu) 14 Classes Summer Term, 2009 Session A International Student Orientation June 1 (M) Freshman and Transfer Orientation June 2 - 4 (Tu-Th) Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. June 8 (M) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" June 10 (W) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes June 11 (Th) Final date for adding thesis and dissertation research; final date for June 11 (Th) “degree only” registration Final date for submitting to Graduate School applications for master’s and June 12 (F) doctoral degrees to be awarded at summer commencement
Final date for departments to recommend to Graduate School appointment June 12 (F) of examining committees (requests for final examinations) for degrees to be awarded at summer commencement Final date for submitting to Graduate School general examination reports June 12 (F) for doctorates to be awarded at fall commencement Mid-term exams June 29 - July 1 (M-W) Independence Day holiday July 3 (F) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. July 6 (M) Mid-term grades due, 9:00 a.m. July 7 (Tu) Final date for submitting to Graduate School committee examination reports July 10 (F) and approved theses and dissertations, including the Graduate School corrections (noon deadline) Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses July 14 (Tu) Classes end July 27 (M) Concentrated Study Day July 28 (Tu) Final examinations July 29 - 30 (W-Th) Final grades (degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. August 4 (Tu) Final grades (non-degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. August 5 (W) Commencement, 9:00 a.m. August 7 (F)
35 Classes Session B International Student Orientation June 1 (M) Freshman and Transfer Orientation June 2 - 4 (Tu-Th) Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. June 29 (M) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" July 1 (W) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes July 2 (Th) Independence Day holiday July 3 (F) Classes resume, 7:30 a.m. July 6 (M) Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses July 22 (W) Classes end July 31 (F) Final examinations August 1 (Sat) Final grades (degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. August 4 (Tu)
Final grades (non-degree candidate) due, 9:00 a.m. August 5 (W) Commencement, 9:00 a.m. August 7 (F) 24 Classes Summer Intersession, 2009 Classes begin, 7:30 a.m. August 3 (M) Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of "W" August 3 (M) Final date for adding courses for credit and making section changes August 4 (Tu) Final date for resigning from the University and/or dropping courses August 11 (Tu) Classes end August 14 (F) Final examinations August 15 (Sat) Final grades due, 9:00 a.m. August 18 (Tu) 11 Classes W\CALENDAR\09Cal Incl Grad Dates 16 AUG 07